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Turtles have major cultural significance and importance in our region and in Polynesian culture, it is a symbol of fertility, longevity and peace. The shell patterns are often seen in carvings and tattoos and are believed to represent family relationships and the concept of unity. In Samoan folklore, sea turtles were believed to have the power to save fishermen who were lost at sea by bringing them safely to shore. In Samoan culture they are known as i’a sa (sacred fish) and were only allowed to be consumed by the high chiefs of the villages.


There are many Samoan myths and legends and songs which feature turtles such as “The Legend of the Turtle and the Shark”.

At Sato’alepai in the big island of Savai’i, you will have a chance to visit a large pond with giant sea turtles that will suddenly dine on your freshly sliced papayas, eating directly from your hands, have a close encounter with these turtles and enjoy the intimate and heart-warming experience.   

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