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Located in Vailima about 5km from Apia, the Botanical Garden/Reserve encompasses about 12ha (30a).


The Garden was established in the early 1900s by the German botanist Gustav Hermann Schmitz who was the director of the gardens until his death in 1933 and is home to a diverse collection of plants including a variety of tropical flowers, fruit trees, medicinal and native plants.


Enjoy a stroll through the Botanical Garden or visit Robert Louis Stevensons’s grave located at the top of Mt Vaea along a hiking trail named by the locals as “The Road of Loving Hearts”. The trail to the top is a 50min walk weaving through dense tropical rainforest, passing a magnificent Banyan tree and freshwater pool and waterfall of the “Loimata o Apaula” stream where Robert Louis Stevenson once used to swim.

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